Letters to Naleli: Dreams of Abundance

The Purple Pages
3 min readDec 20, 2022


Pronounced nah-lē-dee

To listen to this piece in my voice, how I intended it to be heard https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-e2pnr-1341df1

Life can be rich with experience, the very idea of living is rooted in absorbing as much experience as one can, creating as many memories. Sometimes, the application of those experiences into the curation of one’s life seem to take precedence, but I beg to differ. Mine has not been an easy life; see when you are born, it is somewhat of a lottery, of where you will be born, and to whom. We come into the world unknowing, emboldened by the prospect of life and humanity; but as we have seen in the past few years of life, humanity has taken a back seat while capitalism drives the ships, but we have not lost hope. Part of living is finding ways to exist within the entropic chaos, making the brokenness work, because we need it to.

When we are little we dream big dreams, we ideate our entire lives out, only making space for the good, forgetting that there needs to be a balance between ignorance and knowledge, feminine and masculine, good and bad, the duality of life. As we grow, we tend to give in to the monotony of systems, living based on processes, forgetting the fire that burned in our younger selves, giving in to the lack of balance. However, all is not lost, to paraphrase V:

ideas don't die, for they are the core of the revolution

An old poem that I wrote read “scattered across the galaxy as the stars so eloquently do, I have hope that the kind of love that I am, will one day lo longer start wars, but once more, build dynasties.”

What if I told you, that there is an idea that many have dreamt of, a global idea of freedom, of true connection, what if I told you that there is a new era born off the backs of abundance?

It has been over a year since I made my debut in the web3 space as Miss Purple; in that year, I have grown so much, brought so many of my dreams to life, and even created new ones yet to be fulfilled. I am honoured to now have the opportunity to be part of a new kind of world, a new way of life, that new era, one that is rooted in abundance and cultural decadence, a world of truth, transparency and humanity. The Afropolitan vision is now beyond being just a dream, it is for me, a symbol and embodiment of the very zest of life 🌶

The Afropolitan citizen’s pass NFT, can be found here https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0xe652f7ef26d4ed34de2d83d4eebf291bd60ed2af/93
Citizen #93. Date of Birth: December 9th. Country of Origin: Afropolitan 🌶 . Name Assigned: Naleli

Naleli, Welcome to the new world my Star Sun. In the Sesotho culture we believe that assigning a name sets one’s destiny; yours is a name of richness, of light, of wonder and mystery. You are the fire that burns at my core, a Star being life, the Sun of an Oracle who has only ever had dreams of galactic proportions. May you be a symbol of abundant life, of other worlds yet to be discovered, and wisdom untamed. May all who receive you, be abundantly blessed, may yours be an endless existence, may the fire in your eyes continue to burn.

Love, your Oracle Mother

Purple 💜



The Purple Pages

A literary living on the frontier. Storyteller, Community Manager, Podcast Host & Serial Researcher.